16CH Battery Cell SimulatorChroma 8700116Max. 10A1.2kVA Switch fast charge and discharge current in current source mode without any interruption explore
Battery Cell Insulation TesterChroma 11210Up to 1KV(DC)50mA max.0.01kΩ~10 TΩ [kΩ, MΩ, GΩ] Accurately measure leakage current (LC) and insulation resistance(IR) of battery jelly-roll/dry-cell as well as other insulation materials. explore
Battery Cell Surge TesterChroma 193110.10 kV~6.00 kV, 0.01 kV≥ 3.00kV @ 50nF200MHz Designed for testing the insulation quality between the positive and negative plates of a lead-acid battery cell explore