Leakage Current Offset
In leakage current testing, mains power is applied to the device under test (DUT) so that the resulting leakage current can be measured. This measured leakage current can be a combination of leakage current from the DUT, from the fixture and cables attaching the DUT to the test instrument, and also from the test instrument itself. The Offset capability inherent in Chroma’s Guardian Electrical Safety Analyzer 19032-P is very important because it measures the leakage current of the DUT not the leakage of the fixture, cables or the test instrument itself.
Why Product Safety Test Your Electrical Medical Products
This application note provides information on why safety testing medical products is important.
Using Low Limits To Verify Hipot Connection
This application note illustrates how to use low limits to verify hipot connection to the device being tested.
Leakage Current On Class I Medical Products
This application note describes how IEC 60601-1 leakage current tests can be accomplished without the need to change the cable to a class 1 device during testing.
Leakage Current On Class II Medical Products
This application note describes how IEC 60601-1 leakage current tests can be accomplished without the need to change the cable to a class 2 device during testing.
Leakage Current Part I
Part 1 discusses the terms and definitions associated with leakage current and the two classes that electronic medical products are divided into per IEC60601-1.
Determining if a DUT is Connected, Using The Low Trip Limit
Long title to answer a simple question: “Is it plugged in?”. Annoying, yet true. How to determine if a DUT is connected, using the low trip limit.